Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Fashion- Day 1

So here it is, Day 1 of fashion week, hosted by the adorably lovely Emery Jo!!! Sadly, two things became abundantly clear to me as I attempted to take pics today. 1. I suck at taking pictures of myself (I am even more in awe of all the lovely, lovely ladies that do this all the time with such grace and ease) and 2. I desperately need a haircut......but anyways, on to the pictures.

Olive green tee-Papaya
Jacket-Fang for Kohls
Stripey scarf-Payless
Buckle shoes-Sonoma

And it wouldn't be a proper fashion post without a look at what this lil man is wearing...

Navy hoodie shirt-?
Short sleeve button down-Greendog

If you happen to be randomly reading this blog you should definitely go to, Emery's blog to see the list of everyone else that's participating!


  1. LOVE those shoes!! Just fabulous!

  2. You look fantastic. I love the shoes too!

  3. All about the scarf, too cute!

  4. If those shoes are comfortable in addition to being that cute, I WANT them.

  5. I feel the same about taking pics of myself...haha. Love the shoes :)

  6. Christina- haha, glad I'm not the only one that feels that way:)

    Molly- yes, they are actually very comfy!
